Unity 5 (beta 13) procedural skybox, no colour properties?

So I know for a fact that in an earlier beta, I could definitely change the colours that make a procedural skybox. But now it’s just the ground colour that I can change. Is there something wrong with my instillation? Is it the same for everyone. Not sure if it’s related to my other issue (http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/moving-my-mouse-in-the-scene-view-causes-crash-anyone-else.280182). But who knows, ey? No one by the looks of it!

Thanks to any (useful) replies I get!!!

The procedural Skybox shader indeed seems to have changed in Beta13. On the forums there’s a similar question I’ve answered.

In the shader itself it seems you cannot edit your gradient in detail any more (at least not for the time being) but the Lighting Tab has a new addition to it you can edit in more detail:
Under the lighting window go to the Scene Tab and there from environment lighting select gradient. This is more like the previous sky material but directly inside the lighting window.

I don’t think there’s another way with the current shader in Beta13, though.