Unity 5 beta memory issues....

I’m going through the Nightmares tutorial on U 5 beta and it seems to be having major memory issues. Mac OS Yosemite gave an out of memory error. I have 16 gig RAM on my Macbook Pro, so I find it rather strange. After I restarted the machine and made sure that all other programs were closed, I opened the project again and began working. During video 3 it started having issues. On video 4, upon trying to access the EnemyAC component after assigning it to the Zombunny, the Animator window wouldn’t even open. Upon restarting the computer, it cleared and then let me access the EnemyAC to assign animation states to the character.

Anyone having memory issues?


MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014)
2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB

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Having less issues compared to Unity 4, had out of memory crashes quite regularly there when working with large sprite animation sequences. (8GB, Macbook pro 2011, OSX 10.10)

Unity 5 only crashed a couple of times on various type of machines on my side, and performs way faster on x64 machines, but i think that IMGUI is a little bit slower

Machine 1:
8GB, Intel Core i7@3.4GHz, nVidia GTX 660, Windows 7 x64, Unity 5 x64

Machine 2:
6GB, Intel Core i5, AMD Radeon HD … , Windows 8 x64, Unity x64

Machine 3:
1GB, Intel Pentium Dual-Core@2.5-GHz , 1.20GHz, Intel G33/G31 ECF, Windows 7 x32, Unity 5 x32

I was having ~ 50 out-of-memory crashes per day under Unity 4 (32GB iMac). On Unity 5, I’m only getting a crash every couple of days. U5 is a massive productivity boost.

I had 0 memory issues on Unity 4, and have had an Out of Memory problem once now on Unity 5. And I still haven’t been able to figure out why that’s happening… (in addition to generally worse performance by far compared to Unity 4, with nothing having really changed in my project since upgrading).

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Mine crashes periodically, but it doesn’t seem to be because of memory.

Jason, I’m also seeing a significant frame rate drop on Unity 5. I’m lucky enough to be part of the closed beta and I sent QA a repro project in mid-September. They confirmed the issue but as yet there is no solution. Give it some time.

I’m happy to pay a FPS drop in the meantime just to have the stability of the 64-bit editor!

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It’s a memory leak and the 64 bit Unity editor will only allow it to leak memory longer before it crashes. The problem is still there.

I experience Out Of Memory crashes occasionally with U5 but only when initially opening a project; It’ll crash, then I’ll reload and it will be fine. For me, at least, this error seems completely random.