I tried to install Unity 5 hundrets of times. And it’s just not working. Launcher is totally crashed. Unity 4.x is working without any problems. Launcher is just looking like this:
Our guess is that you have Windows7 - we have seen other win7 users with this problem. Pretty sure it’s a bug that is being fixed. If you’re not a Win7 user, please provide more information.
So, on initial install it works but eventually breaks?
Sounds like something on your machine is changing Unity files in the Program Files area. I’d be checking for what could be doing that. Gut feel sounds like something detects our browser integration after first run and then tries to modify it in some way.
The following is from one of our devs, so could you please provide the following ?
“If the user can zip his data/resources/home folder and share it with us. We could try to see what is happening”.
Thanks for your efforts.
5.1.2f1 got the same problem.
As your description, i use git to track files under the “C:/program data/Unity” folder and the"Editor/Data/Resources" folder. The problem is not in “C:/program data/Unity” folder but the “Editor/Data/Resources” folder.
Reinstall unity the “Open/New Projects window” works properly, and I launch the editor again and see the window crashed. Then files has changed in the resources folder, and i use git stash the changes, the “Open/New Projects window” works properly again.