I have imported a model from blender as a .blend file, and I have applied the cloth component to it. However the vertices of the cloth that have a max distance above 0 twitch wildly and are int seemingly random positions as soon as the game starts. If I leave the vertices unconstrained they don’t twitch but the shape that take is far larger than the original shape of the model. I have no idea what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ok It turns out it was a mix of tons of weird import problems from blender.
When making a cloth model you need to import your model separately from your rig.
This is because the bones are in the wrong position when they are imported.
After adding an empty game object to the scene, add a cloth component to it. In the skinned mesh renderer component select your model. Then add your bones to the scene and make sure you reset their position. add your root bone to the root bone dialog box on the skinned mesh render component and you should be all set.
Great post!!!
I had been unable to get vertices to show up because I just created a plane and added cloth component to make a cloak. Nothing was happening when I tried to paint constraints as the mesh showed no vertices. Unity manual mentions nothing about this –
[1]: Unity - Manual: Cloth