unity 5 compiler erors

does any body know how to read and figure out the new Unity 5 compiler errors?

i can not figure them out

they all say something like this;

Assets/PropulsionPhysics/Scripts/PropelRigidbody.cs(19,33): error CS0619: UnityEngine.Component.rigidbody' is obsolete: Property rigidbody has been deprecated (means not approved or to express disapproval, not allowed etc). UseGetComponent() instead. (UnityUpgradable)’

i use to be able to do the complier errors, now with unity 5, i have no clue how to fix them,

does any body know how to fix them?


It’s actually telling you what to do in the error.

Instead of writing something like this:


you need to do this


Or better yet

Rigidbody rb;

void Start()
    rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
