While I’m upgrading my project from Unity 4 to 5, Unity crashes without only stating is has crashed. It used to work with 5.0.0f2 though.
This is the message I get from the log:
I already removed the Library folder at no avail though.
If anyone from the Unity staff is seeing this: case id #00174395.
Okay, I figured out what happens and found a workaround.
Apparently the Automatic Script Updater doesn’t like the old unityscript image effects. The way to get your project converted to Unity 5 is to click the No button when beeing asked for the API upgrade. This will make sure you can at least openyour old project in Unity 5. Remove the Standard Assets\Image Effects and Editor\Image effects folders. (make sure you have an empty scene open first!). Run the api upgrade tool through Assets\Run Api upgrade menu and you’re done.
At least this was the solution in my case. Hope this is usefull for others out there as well.
I think main problem is Old Standard assets !!
If you have any old standard asset in your project cut them to another place and after upgrading send them to project again.
its worked for me (Particle effects)