Looking in the forums I found that it is best to lightmapping in Unity. So I would like to know how to bake my scenes so that in just a texture I can put all kinds of maps except lights and shadows.
I tried to vraycompletemap but he cares shadows on the meshes of the model.
In short, I have a house in which I will give to bake texture using the flatiron. Then I will care for Unity and I would have to do it without the house came with shadows created by 3DS Max
My preset of render setup is: Video Tutorials – V-Ray for 3ds Max | Chaos
I need to modify something in 3ds?
Lighting in Unity is something I haven’t dug into completely, however I think the basic concept is this.
The textures should be setup for pbr lighting in Max. Check the info on pbr textures in the learn section.
The textures should have no lighting information in them because the lighting in Unity is going to react to the textures/materials/shaders realistically. If there is already lighting information in the textures before rendering in Unity, it can result in weird looking artifacts.
No texture baking is required externally in Max. That can be done in Unity.
Performing the light/shadow bake in Unity is beyond my knowledge. I’m sure there is helpful information in the learn section to accomplish this.
So basically - skip the vray setup and render in Max and perform that process in Unity.
Others might have more hands on knowledge to share.
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Yup, skip baking in Max/Vray for now.
You’ll want to setup you UV maps and texture without any baking done normally. When you import an object the imported asset has a checkbox to generate lightmap UVs (Checked by default I think). So you game object will have 2 UV sets. The UV layout for color, normal, height, or whatever maps your using. The lightmap UV layout will be used in a lightmap atlas. Normally the generated UV layout works fine, but sometimes there will be artifacts. You can adjust an objects texel scale in the lighting options, sometimes it just isn’t using enough space. Also, in Max, Maya, Blender, etc. If you create a 2nd UV layout, Unity will use that for the lightmap (Assuming you uncheck generate lightmap on the imported asset). So the first UV maps will be for color, bump, etc… 2nd for the lightmap. It has to be in that order, no lightmap first, then color.
After you do your basic lighting open the lighting tab. You’ll find more options to tweak lighting, along with baking options. This is where Unity will create the lightmap atlas. Honestly there is a ton we could talk about here… So… Just go here for starters, and then maybe here.
You can still always bake in Max have great results… But I tend to keep it to specific objects that have very specific lighting needs that are hard to achieve in Unity. But this will bake everything, color, light, bounce, shadows, into a single image. You can use render passes to adjust in Photoshop, but in the end you have to be mindful of your setup in Max & Unity to insure they match. You’ll probably also want to exclude this object(s) from the lighting bake in Unity.
Hopefully that rant makes sense.