Just a general question about GI Baking. It seems like a really awesome system and I love how it bakes while you continue working. But I got to a part in my project where I wanted to see the final lighting and left my project running an entire evening to finish up the baking process. It was finished after a night and lightning seemed pretty good. I saved project and scene, but this morning when I opened my project the lightning was gone and GI started baking again even though I changed nothing… It did seem to go faster after a while and remembering some of the baking. But do you really have to rebake everytime you open the project? That can’t be right? I would like to work in the scene with a bit of the baking done already.
Is there any way to save the baked GI or to stop it from rebaking so I can keep seeing the baked lightning?
I suppose turning auto GI baking off is a solution? But why is it that auto removes baking it done before, just doesn’t seem logical…