I cannot figure out where this specific error comes from. Because my search on google gives no unity errors as a search result.
I have a older project which i now openend in the new unity version. The result was that the API updater could not update all scripts because of this. Can anyone help me out here?
I had this dreaded error. The API updater worked, but unity 5 crashed whenever I tried to build a stand alone build (Windows desktop).
I eventually narrowed it down to meshFilters with a null shared mesh. I had a few MeshFilters with a null shared mesh coupled with a MeshRenderer that had a material in its array of materials. Deleting those objects fixed the issue no more error message and stand alone worked.
I made this script to delete the offending components
static void ShowNullMeshFilters()
var res = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<MeshFilter>();
//dreaded Do not use ReadObjectThreaded on scene objects!
foreach (var nmo in res)
if (nmo.sharedMesh == null)
Debug.LogError("null meshfilter in " + nmo.transform.fullname(), nmo.gameObject);
Transform t = nmo.transform;
res = null;