Unity 5 Horizontal Axis Event Trigger Problem

Hi…I am using Unity 5. It has Cross Platform Input in standard assets. As shown in one of the example scene, I have used ButtonHandler Script for Left and Right Button in game(left right movement). Screenshot of this is attached

So as you can see for left button pointerdown is buttonhandler.setaxisNegative and pointerup is buttonhandler.setaxisNeutral. For Right its buttonhandler.setaxisPositive. So basically this all works pretty fine. But in game if button is held pressed while death of my player. and when game restarts(scene reloaded after clicking retry button) whichever button was held pressed while dying that button is still in function.

In simple words if my player dies while left movement button was pressed, when the scene reloads my player will keep moving to left as if the button is held pressed. it becomes negative only after i press right button once. please help me…I am totally stuck at this…

Never Mind. I found the solution by myself. I imported StandardAssets
(using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;)data in my script which i used to change scenes. in my changescence function I added this CrossPlatformInputManager.SetAxisZero("Horizontal");