Unity 5 image effects for multiple cameras

Hello Everyone,

First, I apologize that this may seem like a repeat of other questions, but none of their solutions seems to work for me.

My issue is that I currently have 2 cameras in my game, one is the player’s main camera, and the other is the layer camera that draws the player’s arms.

My game uses edge detection image effects, but it will only work for one camera at a time. in this case, the layer camera, since it has a higher depth. So the hands get the edge detection, but the rest of the scene does not.

I used to have a script called Copy to Camera RT, and it worked great while I had Unity 4.6, but once I upgraded to Unity 5, it no longer works.

Would anyone know a way to fix this error?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I got it to work finally.

I had to make my main camera’s rendering path as Legacy Deffered, and the layer camera as Legacy Vertex Lit, and THEN I had to change the Quality Settings / Anti Aliasing to at least X2 Multi Sampling.

Why this worked, I’m not particularly sure. but the good news is, that it doesn’t need any scripts to work anymore. so I guess there is that. :smiley: