I’d highly doubt ranting is going to help you, as frustrating as bugs may be. You should try to produce a reproduction package and file an issue on the issue tracker.
Hmm that’s annoying, seems we have a regression. I have brought it to the attention of the UI team. Hopefully we can get it fixed and into a patch ASAP. Thanks
Testing is hard. Seriously - it is VERY HARD. There is no way everything can be tested, even with unit/integration tests. There will always be things that slip through the cracks.
Just because you found the single bug that perhaps had been fixed in the past and now rears its head again, it doesn’t mean the developers are not testing at all.
Yeah , it’s true that it’s very hard and i can understand that but in same time everybody said that since unity 5 we have a lot , a lot of bug.
Everything was fine in unity 4.x.x cycle but now, with unity 5, it’s just an headache everyday.
I have send some bug with the bug report without any answer, i have made some post on the forum without any answer or sometime with an answer “everything is fine in our side”.
In my game, when a player come on my forum to explain a bug or a problem, i test it in my game directly and i solve it.
Instead of making conference in the world for a produce who are not the the best anymore. They must employ 10/20 guy in more to test it before releasing something broken.
I have started to use an another engine now, because i’m very tired now to check the forum and issue tracker everyday and losing my time for nothing.
I hope you realize that there are only so many man hours they can work on things during the day. Not replying to a bug report doesn’t automatically mean that it’s not an important bug. It usually just means that noone has gotten around to looking at it yet.
Also, some bugs are hard to reproduce (regarding the “it’s fine here” response.)
Every programs,engine,games ect … have bugs, and it’s normal when it’s a small bug or when it’s a short list (like in unity 4.x.x cycle). But it’s not the case for unity 5. The list is so long … and instead of fixing the actual bug, they are currently working on the 5.3 version … seriously, fix the actual one first !
And don’t forget that they sell a broken product (i have buyed my licence). It’s maybe acceptable for free user but not for me.
Do you know how much cost a conference that they make? Instead of losing their time to try to impress everybody, the moneys lost on these conference can be useful to employ some guys to test the engine …
of course can be bugs on every software but Unity is famous software anymore,every people know and using,even companies,therefore they must be more careful.
and did you see,old bug again on 5.2.0,5.2.1,so once fixed and later dont test ? we are every time repeatedly test(We play the game from start to finish)
I’d like to point out that ranting will make him feel better. Which is going to be helpful, to some degree. People are people, and dealing with frustrations is part of the job. Let the dude rant.
Yeah … really hard to fixe … imagine how much time is needed to simply repair a simple Input caret … This is a joke or an april fool in advance maybe …