Unity 5 Light Bake - White Splotches

Does anyone have some insight into why this error is occurring? I’ve been trying to track down some existing forum post or unity answer, but haven’t had any luck.

When I do a light bake in Unity 5, some of my assets are getting these white splotches. It seems to only be occurring on objects that are using a Standard Shader set to Cutout. Here is a screenshot of the issue as it manifests in editor. Notice the all white part of the bush in the lower right hand corner of the image. This can be seen on numerous assets in the scene being baked.


And here is a screenshot of the lightmap settings currently in use.

I have also posted this question in the unity forums.

can you send me this mesh with texture? so that i can help you in proper way by the way according to your screen shots i guess its a mesh normal problem or texture problems with alpha channel .