Unity 5 Lights Transport Jobs

Please help how to disable or skip this jobs… :frowning: i need build game fast Unity 5


What you’re seeing is the lighting engine doing the calculations for Global Illumination. For an outdoor scene like this you probably don’t really need this switched on anyway. Disable GI by going to your Lighting window (Window > Lighting), the Scene tab, and switch off Precomputed Realtime GI and Continuous Baking. Instead set the Ambient Intensity value to where your scene is lit satisfactorily again. Hope it helps!

Apparently this is a Bug where if you have any GameObject set to Static in the inspector it will freeze the Clustering at 7/11 jobs. I unchecked static on all objects and lowered Realtime GI resolution to 0.5 and it went through the lightmapping in about 10 seconds.

“Integrate failed on Light Transport job”.
i am doing Survival Shooter project and i am having this error. can anybody help. i also read all the previous comments related to this above but i didnt get at all.
please help me.as fast as possible…


Thanks You Guys, It worked for me :slight_smile:

Muchas gracias, me sirvió

This problem appears because you use Navigation and Bake in your map, you need setting Step Height for Navigation, anyway helped me.

I need help, i cant with this

Worked for me. However, it changed all the overall illumination of the project. It was painful getting it back to how it looked before.

If you have got one of those Jamaica jobs, I would highly recommend you to go there irrespective of what others are saying. But having said that, I would also advise you to look into every details of where you would be living and sort residence and security you might be getting,