Unity 5 Looks Blurry on Yosemite

Hi all,

Hoping someone can help me.
Using Unity5 on Yosemite and compared to other apps, all the words etc. on Unity5 app on my Macbook pro 2014 Retina model look really fuzzy and blurry. Other apps look really nice and neat however Unity5 does not.

Does anyone know of a solution to this? I have uploaded a screen shot where you should be able to see the differences between the status bar up the top of the screen and the words in the Hierarchy panel.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

There’s no “solution”. Unity just isn’t a Retina-ready application, where others like the Finder are. That means that on your Retina display Unity’s visual elements like fonts or interface elements are rendered at doubled pixel density while the assets as such stay the same. As a result these elements look “pixeley”: the system is interpolating information that just isn’t there. Hard to explain. This goes for any non-Retina app that still hasn’t made the jump yet.

In the past there has been evidence like this that Unity is working on “Retina-fying” the Editor, but the eagle hasn’t landed yet, so to speak.

Notice that the Unity Player, as in: the build that you export from the Editor, doesn’t handle Retina displays that well either. I don’t know about Linux or Windows, but on Mac OS X I only got Retina resolutions when I used “Capture Display” as the fullscreen mode. In this case the game looks more crisp, but “Capture Display” has major drawbacks, like no drawing of overlays or no Cmd-Tab’ing out of the application.

My recommendation would be to use an external screen anyway (a 24" - 1920x1200 for example). As soon as you use Unity a bit more you will want the extra screen space. In that case however you might experience problems like this where Unity it seems can’t cope with Mavericks’ full screen mode, i.e. you can’t just move the Unity Player window freely around and chose you own fullscreen display.

Thanks Bradamante.

I’m hoping Unity release updates to Unity5 that incorporate Retina display as its just a bit like you say “Pixeley” for me to use. I will continue to use it on my Windows PC until it is updated for Mac.

I really don’t mind Unity Editor doesn’t support retina (it should but I prefer the team focus on Unity 5 fixes…), BUT the player not supporting neither Retina in Windowed-mode??