Unity 5 Mouse Input issues

So I switched to unity 5. And all of a sudden unity is telling me that I havent set up my inputs. Well, I havent changed them so why did they stop working? Regardless of what character controller I use the mouse input for moving my looking direction isnt working. I can walk around but not look around. I haven’t changed anything in the settings so not sure how to fix this. here is the error code…

ArgumentException: Input Axis Mouse X is not setup.
To change the input settings use: Edit → Project Settings → Input
UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput.PlatformSpecific.StandaloneInput.GetAxis (System.String name, Boolean raw) (at Assets/Standard Assets/CrossPlatformInput/Scripts/PlatformSpecific/StandaloneInput.cs:10)
UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput.CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis (System.String name, Boolean raw) (at Assets/Standard Assets/CrossPlatformInput/Scripts/CrossPlatformInputManager.cs:108)
UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput.CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis (System.String name) (at Assets/Standard Assets/CrossPlatformInput/Scripts/CrossPlatformInputManager.cs:95)
UnityStandardAssets.Characters.FirstPerson.MouseLook.LookRotation (UnityEngine.Transform character, UnityEngine.Transform camera) (at Assets/Standard Assets/Characters/FirstPersonCharacter/Scripts/MouseLook.cs:32)
UnityStandardAssets.Characters.FirstPerson.FirstPersonController.RotateView () (at Assets/Standard Assets/Characters/FirstPersonCharacter/Scripts/FirstPersonController.cs:237)
UnityStandardAssets.Characters.FirstPerson.FirstPersonController.Update () (at Assets/Standard Assets/Characters/FirstPersonCharacter/Scripts/FirstPersonController.cs:64)

Have you gone to Edit → Project Settings → Input and checked your input settings? It’s possible something got mangled in the upgrade process.

I Created a new project, imported the standard assets from the menu, and this still happening

FYI, I’m getting this too with a clean install of Win 8.1 and Unity 5 using the Standard Assets Example Project. My setup is OSX Yosemite running VMWare Fusion. Mouse look for the First Person Character Controller just doesn’t seem to work. I first noticed it on an existing project then did a clean install of Windows and opened the Example Project just to see if that would work. No luck there.

Yo McBain,
I am using OSX Yosemite running Windows 10(preview) and I have the exact same issue. The MouseLook script does register my mouse.