Seems like Unity 5 has a bug resulting in an NSURLErrorDomain error when trying to call the Parse API. According to what I have seen in other post from people with similar issues seems like this error happens with certain APIs (not just the Parse one) and Unity 5, but not with Unity 4.
Do you have any workaround that I could use while you are fixing this issue? I need to continue working on Unity 5 (switching back to Unity 4 is not an option) with the Parse API asap.
I see. Thank you for your clarification.
Does anybody have any “non-production ready” workaround while you are fixing the issue? e.g. to use a proxy server to avoid ssl, anything else?
The bug we knew about in this case was corrected in 5.0.0p3. However, this might be something slightly different. If possible, please try using the Api Compatibility Level with a value of .NET 2.0 Subset (if you are not already). The Subset profile takes a different code path through the HTTPs code which might work better.
Thanks for trying these cases. I have one more for you to try (if you have not). Does this work with the Mono scripting backend? The original bug here was not specific to the IL2CPP scripting backend, but failed for both scripting backends. Thanks.
I’ve not tried the Parse SDK with any 5.0 releases yet. However, Parse v1.3.5 does work with the latest 4.6 patch release, so it is probably worth trying with the 5.0.0p3 release, as it has the same IL2CPP code at the 4.6.3p4 release.