Unity 5 performance issues when upgrading projects

Alright, I haven’t seen too many people talking about this, I’ve managed to find a threads talking about 2d performance drops but nothing about across the board performance drops.

I am having severe performance issues when I port my game to Unity 5. By performance issues I mean the windows executable that was running at 60fps before, now runs at 25fps. It also runs significantly slower in the editor as well. This isn’t just a singular project mind you, I also built another one of my projects, a much simpler project. Its performance dropped from 60fps to 50-55fps. It is worth noting that I am not using any of unity 5’s new lighting systems, or at least I don’t think I am.

This has really worn me out in the last day that I’ve been trying to get it to work.

On one hand I’d really like to port my game to unity 5 so I can use all the newly unlocked features but I can’t do it with these ridiculous performance drops.

This also has me wondering if unity 4 will ever see an unlocking of features, that would be awesome and solve most of my problems, but I haven’t seen anything to suggest unity is prepared to do this.

So, has anyone else noticed performance issues when using the legacy (pre 5) systems?

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I would love if UNITY 4.6 unlocked pro features so I can continue building this massive project im on :smile:

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I saw quite a performance increase, for what it’s worth, when opening up an empty project, importing RTPv3.2, and comparing the performance of the default TerrainScene. The most noticeable increase being with multiple terrains. Just my 2 cents. (try an empty project, and add each system one at a time to see where the problem is. I’m willing to bet it isn’t terrains, but it may be something with your GUI scripts, lightning calls, something is happening obviously, just narrow it down a bit?

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Thanx I am, I needed to hear this!! And your right something has gotta to give…

Alright, good news. downloaded the most recent build 5.0.0f4, fixed the frame rate issue for me. Guess they’re still getting some of the kinks out. you da real mvp unity engineers.

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