unity 5 + playmaker webgl/webplayer/standalone issues

Hi guys

wondering if someone can point me in the right direction…

im trying to fade an object by using is alpha. ive tried using a custom script i found on the forum called iTween fade to. It works in unity but not when i build it.

I’ll attach it just in case if you dont know what im talking about.

using UnityEngine;

namespace HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions
    [Tooltip("Changes a GameObject's opacity over time.")]
    public class iTweenFadeTo: iTweenFsmAction
        public FsmOwnerDefault gameObject;
        [Tooltip("iTween ID. If set you can use iTween Stop action to stop it by its id.")]
        public FsmString id;
        [Tooltip("The initial alpha value of the animation.")]
        public FsmFloat alpha;
        [Tooltip("Whether or not to include children of this GameObject. True by default.")]
        public FsmBool includeChildren;
        [Tooltip("Which color of a shader to use. Uses '_Color' by default.")]
        public FsmString namedValueColor;
        [Tooltip("The time in seconds the animation will take to complete.")]
        public FsmFloat time;
        [Tooltip("The time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.")]
        public FsmFloat delay;
        [Tooltip("The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.")]
        public iTween.EaseType easeType = iTween.EaseType.linear;
        [Tooltip("The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.")]
        public iTween.LoopType loopType = iTween.LoopType.none;
        public override void Reset()
            id = new FsmString{UseVariable = true};
            alpha = 0f;
            includeChildren = true;
            namedValueColor = "_Color";
            time = 1f;
            delay = 0f;
        public override void OnEnter()
            if(loopType != iTween.LoopType.none) base.IsLoop(true);
        public override void OnExit(){
        void DoiTween()
            GameObject go = Fsm.GetOwnerDefaultTarget(gameObject);
            if (go == null) return;
            itweenType = "fade";
            iTween.FadeTo(go, iTween.Hash(
                "name", id.IsNone ? "" : id.Value,
                "alpha", alpha.Value,
                "includechildren", includeChildren.IsNone ? true : includeChildren.Value,
                "NamedValueColor", namedValueColor.Value,
                "time", time.Value,
                "delay", delay.IsNone ? 0f : delay.Value,
                "easetype", easeType,
                "looptype", loopType,
                "oncomplete", "iTweenOnComplete",
                "oncompleteparams", itweenID,
                "onstart", "iTweenOnStart",
                "onstartparams", itweenID,
                "ignoretimescale", realTime.IsNone ? false : realTime.Value 

I have a few more issues with playmaker and unity 5 but i want to go through them one by one.

any help will be greatly appreciated!


