Unity 5 shaders and alpha on sprites broken?

I’ve used a shader in unity 4.6 which uses alpha channel. In 5 same shader shows strange behavior, ignoring or altering alpha in strange way. I’ve read about ‘keepalpha’ tag in the docs, but it does nothing here, it seems.

Another strange thing is when I select ‘BumpedSpecular’ shader in ‘Legacy/Transparent/’ folder, they work fine, cutting off alpha where needed. If i use same shader from ‘Built-in shaders 4.6’ package, it’s broken. So, something changed in shaders. There’s no ZIP of the built-in ones on their site: Download Archive so I can’t get those as a reference.

Shader source: Shader "BumpedSpecAlpha Multiplier" {Properties { _Color ("Main Color", Colo - Pastebin.com

Just add “alpha:blend” to your #pragma like following

#pragma surface surf alpha:blend

Found the link to 5’s built-in shaders in documentation: Unity - Manual: Make your own