Unity 5 Skybox not Rotating

Hey guys,

I have a problem rotating my skybox.
Here’s the script:

public float rot = 0;

void Update () {
	rot += 2 * Time.deltaTime;
	rot %= 360;

	RenderSettings.skybox.SetFloat ("_Rotation", rot);


In the inspector you can clearly see the value of “rot” changing, but it doesn’t seem to be affecting it to the propertie “Rotation” of the skybox material.

Got any ideas?

Ok, seeying on a top camera view, this is rotating the skybox on Z direction, how to rotate it on Y direction?

Your code is not working because the rotation of a Skybox is a value that must grow. You must think that you are moving an object along the x axes. In both cases the value must grow, but Time.deltaTime don’t do that.

You mas use a global variable that grow with the time… → Time.time

This code works perfectly;

void Update () {
RenderSettings.skybox.SetFloat(“_Rotation”, Time.time * adjustment);

This is code sample for JS.

#pragma strict
var sky : Material;
var rot : float = 0.0f;
function Start () {
sky = RenderSettings.skybox;

function Update () {
	rot += 2 * Time.deltaTime;
	sky.SetFloat ("_Rotation", rot);

Your are right, thanks

    public float rot = 0;
public Skybox sky;
void Start() {
	sky = GetComponent<Skybox> ();
void Update () {
	rot += 2 * Time.deltaTime;
	rot %= 360;
	sky.material.SetFloat ("_Rotation", rot);