Im currently sitting on a game, similar to CubeWorld/Trove, i have everything done, except for the Terrain.
So, my question is, how do i generate an endless smooth Voxel terrain, with custom structures/prefabs on it?
thank you in advance!
And no, im not trying to make a Minecraft clone or something similar to this.
There is a large list of voxel terrain generators out there, but I can personally recommend Cubiquity. It comes with both smooth (marching cubes algorithm) terrain, and a cube-like terrain generation algorithm similar to Minecraft. That solves the terrain issue. As for generating custom structures on the terrain, You could probably modify this to fit your needs.
What you are trying to achieve is not that simple. The thing you have to look for is marching cubes. It basically takes generated float array and turns it into a mesh. I will leave some resources that could be useful. The most important thing to remember is that you have to store all data in floats, and each voxel has to have a weight which will let the algorithm to decide how full is the voxel.