Unity 5 Sphere Rigidbody getting weird behaviour while moving around in a tiled mesh collider scene

Hi, so I’ve encountered this problem and I can’t make my minigolf game without solving it. I have already tried many solutions but absolutely nothing works.

Not making the game based on modulable tiles isn’t a valid solution, as this is planned to have a level editor for players to play with, too.

You can see a gif with the weird behaviour below on a tweet:

I see. i recommend you to combine these meshes after a level design is finished. It is a good way to avoid physics related problems and also good for camera render speed. (example Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making) This way, after you created your level, you will have only one collider on the bottom.

There is another way for your current setup but i don’t recommend you to use it. Speeding up the frequency of physics calculation on unity may solve your problem. If you haven’t tried before, lower your Fixed Timestep under (Edit/Project Settings/Time) for example (0.001)