Unity 5, Touch Screen Preview Joystick not Work, Android Remote Touch not work.
Only Playmaker touch Work in apk.
What happens ?
Unity 5, Touch Screen Preview Joystick not Work, Android Remote Touch not work.
Only Playmaker touch Work in apk.
What happens ?
We also saw this issue, it was fixed in 5.0.1:
You can view the release notes here: http://unity3d.com/unity/whats-new/unity-5.0.1
Thank you @liortal
Waiting 5.0.1
But i use old Standard Assets (Mobile) from 4.6 works fine in Unity 5.0
5.0.1 is out already
5.0.1 didn’t fix the issue for me.
TouchPhase.Began is detected but TouchPhase.Ended or TouchPhase.Canceled is never called. Input.touches.Length doesn’t update the value when there is no touch on the screen, only updates when pressing a finger, so is never 0.
This is happening in my Galaxy S3 and in my Galaxy S advance i9070.
I reported the bug (no repsonse obviously):
What the fuck is happening… Touch is a very basic functionality, the developers of Unity should test that every basic functionality is working before releasing a new version, I’m starting to think Unity is a shit company.
There’s probably something else here. We are using 5.0.1 p2 and touch is working of course.
You didn’t test with a galaxy S3
public class Test1 : MonoBehaviour
public Text Text1;
public Text Text2;
public Text Text3;
private int BeganFingerCount;
private int EndedFingerCount;
private int StationaryFingerCount;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
for (int i = 0; i < Input.touches.Length; i++)
if (Input.touches[i].phase == TouchPhase.Ended || Input.touches[i].phase == TouchPhase.Canceled)
for (int i = 0; i < Input.touches.Length; i++)
if (Input.touches[i].phase == TouchPhase.Began)
for (int i = 0; i < Input.touches.Length; i++)
if (Input.touches[i].phase == TouchPhase.Stationary)
Text1.text = "Began finger count: " + BeganFingerCount;
Text2.text = "Ended finger count: " + EndedFingerCount;
Text3.text = "Fingers: " + Input.touches.Length;
Im using 5.0.1 p1 not p2, I’m going to try p2 but I don’t think is gonna work eather, this is happening since 4.6 and they don’t care, they fucking release new features without fixing bugs, Unity is going to be a shitty engine with a lot of features.
Tested with p2 and doesn’t work eather. I see you trust in unity, try your game with a galaxy S3 and your trust will drop.
Reported the bug again with a cleaner example, I will spam the shit out of this people:
They are not even checking forum posts like this one.
Maybe your problem is the terrible phone lol jk but have you tried using touch input on a different project? Maybe you are overlooking a minor detail
It’s not my code, read the previous posts, I’m making a fresh project and testing a very simple code.
I don’t care if it’s a bad phone, is a phone with tremendous popularity, imageine all the bad reviews you get when releasing something with unity 5 bullshit. Or when you work in a company and they spect basic things to work or they lose money, stop using unity and fire you.
People reporting this same bug and without a response from Unity:
We have tens of thousands of daily active users, some of them with a Galaxy S3. No issues reported so far. We also have an S3 in the office If i remember correctly.
I will test the code you wrote on a galaxy s3 in our office today and see how that goes
Thanks, that helps, at least to try to get the Unity devs atention to the problem.
I am having a different although related problem on an HP Spectre x360,
Here is the code I am using.
private void Update()
var touches = Input.touches;
That is the only code in the entire project.
If I start pressing on the screen in quick succession I can get 32 touches on the screen at once and the amount never decreases.
I am having problems too with UGui touch events. Simple touches work fine, but swipes for example, to drag an image on a scroll view don’t work in some devices. In my Moto G they don’t work, while in one of the last LG they do (Performance is bad in the LG i don’t know why).
I think Unity needs to do a lot more testing on Android devices using UGui and Unity5. And i hope they will. I love Unity and i love Android
Edit: It was all my fault, i had Standalone and Touch Modules enabled at the same time.
Is there some update about this? Is my problem somehow related to it?
This is what I am doing:
Seriously, what is this? Is this something implemented in Cardboard SDK? How exactly is it invoked then?
I have to mention everything works fine tested from Unity. But doesn’t work at all from a smartphone.
Some people are having problems with thier code, not a unity issue in that case. What happens to them is that there is a index out of range error when reading the touches and the error is silent because only happens on the device ( they need an in-game console from the asset store). When the index out of range error happens Unity causes random problems related with the touch functionality.
There is a setting in Cardboard SDK called Tap Ss Trigger that converts screen taps into Trigger events instead. Turn the option off. (Note: in the new v0.5 of the SDK, Tap Is Trigger doesn’t work like that anymore, so you won’t have the issue if you upgrade.)