Unity 5: UNET Problems

Hi everyone.

I have two problems with the new networking.

In a Scene I have simply added “Network Manager” and “Network Manager HUD” components, I setup Offline and Online Scene and the Player Prefab but when the scene changes to Online Scene appears the message:

“A connection has already been set as ready. There can only be one. UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkManager:Update()”

The NetworkManager script is the default script.
After the error everything seems work correctly.

The another problem is when a second player tries to connect as a client, in that case appears the message:

“There is already a player at that playerControllerId for this connections.

And the match doesn’t start for client.

Someone can help me?

Thank you in advance.

Make sure you check that the player prefab has a single NetworkIdentity component and that it is not present in the scene. do you have any network script components?