Is there a way to tell Unity 5 to use the old lightmapping system. We generated the lightmaps in Unity 4.x but I can’t find a way to use them in Unity 5, because the new system needs the Lightmap Snapshot object. Or could I somehow create this object with old lightmap data?
Unfortunately there isn’t a way to do that, as Beast (old lightmapping solution) has been completely removed. It’s not like in Mecanim’s case where we still have access to old, legacy animation system, it’s a forced switch.
One may qustion why you want to use old lighting, when you can regenerate it with Enlighten which is better solution that works great even if not paired with PBR shader, but legacy shaders.
If you haven’t removed your lights from your scene, you can just open the lighting panel and click on bake. The lightmap snapshot thing will get created by Unity and you’ll have your lightmaps.