Unity 5.x.x backport request : removal of splash screen from game-player

Topic : unity 5.x.x backport request : removal of splash screen from game-player (game client)

For those of you who want to laugh about the proposal; you can do it on your own; no need to reply.

If no interested is met; this discussion will die on its own.

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Not laughing, just stating facts: Unity 5 is 10+ years old. Unity provides support and updates for LTS versions for two years, in exceptional cases like the shift to Unity 6 up to three years.

Any Unity version older than 3 years at most is guaranteed not to get any feature updates.

Not yet, but we are very close to Unity 5.0 anniversary :slight_smile:

LTS releases in general don’t get features, only bug fixes. It has to be a semi-bug or other very good reason for a feature to be added.
A this time any Unity version bellow 2021.x is out of support - not even bug fixes are made.

So by that logic; we can conclude that unity up to 2021 did get its splash screen removed? or am i failing in my comprehension ?

*Also, Is removal of splash screen falls under “Feature”? isn’t more of a “Policy change”?

another example is, according to EU laws, i should be able to stop unity’s editor telemetry in older versions but i can’t (Without firewall blocking or 3rd party tools, yes).
*That is also a POLICY change.

unity 5.x might be old, but if i can get what i want with a brush and canvas, i don’t need brush 2.0

It has always been said that “no splash screen” will be an exclusive feature for Unity 6 onwards.

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fair enough; thank you.

There are two options here… either update Unity 5, or make some lightweight version of Unity 6 (with minimum system requirements CPU HDD RAM)