Topic : unity 5.x.x backport request : removal of splash screen from game-player (game client)
For those of you who want to laugh about the proposal; you can do it on your own; no need to reply.
If no interested is met; this discussion will die on its own.
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Not laughing, just stating facts: Unity 5 is 10+ years old. Unity provides support and updates for LTS versions for two years, in exceptional cases like the shift to Unity 6 up to three years.
Any Unity version older than 3 years at most is guaranteed not to get any feature updates.
Not yet, but we are very close to Unity 5.0 anniversary 
LTS releases in general don’t get features, only bug fixes. It has to be a semi-bug or other very good reason for a feature to be added.
A this time any Unity version bellow 2021.x is out of support - not even bug fixes are made.
So by that logic; we can conclude that unity up to 2021 did get its splash screen removed? or am i failing in my comprehension ?
*Also, Is removal of splash screen falls under “Feature”? isn’t more of a “Policy change”?
another example is, according to EU laws, i should be able to stop unity’s editor telemetry in older versions but i can’t (Without firewall blocking or 3rd party tools, yes).
*That is also a POLICY change.
unity 5.x might be old, but if i can get what i want with a brush and canvas, i don’t need brush 2.0
It has always been said that “no splash screen” will be an exclusive feature for Unity 6 onwards.
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There are two options here… either update Unity 5, or make some lightweight version of Unity 6 (with minimum system requirements CPU HDD RAM)