Unity 5's new First Person Controller, how to control how a character stops.

I’m trying to come to grips with Unity 5’s relatively robust new first person controller. Unfortunately, one serious issue I’m having with it is that when you release your fingers from the keyboard the character keeps moving for a few more steps and then comes to a full stop. It ends up feeling really distracting and makes the player feel disconnected from what he /she’s controlling.

I’m not entirely sure why this happens and in the old bundled FPC there was a bit more flexibility in how you could control how a character stops. I’ve tried experimenting with the physics but that doesn’t make a difference. I’ve also disabled the head-bobbing feature.

If anyone has tackled this issue and can point to how this is controlled in the code, I would greatly appreciate it!



It’s more realistic - people just can’t instantly stop. But if you don’t like it, you can make a simple version with a character controller, or import the old one if you liked that.

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I simply want to know if anyone can identify the part(s) of the script that controls this functionality.

I think it’s an otherwise good controller and I would consider using it if I knew where to look for this functionality in the code.



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@doublegumbo I was wondering the same thing. Any luck?