Unity 6 GPU Resident Drawer breaks scene picking / mouse-click to select in scene view

As the name suggests, setting the GPU Resident Drawer to Instanced Drawing will prevent me from selecting certain objects in the scene with my mouse.

I’m on Unity 6 b7f1 on Windows 11.

I was driven CRAZY trying to figure this out before finally disabling this option and realising it was this all along.

After googling it, I have not found this issue, so I’m not sure if a bug report has been made or if I’m the only one with this issue. Anyone else got it?

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I’m getting this issue too in 6000.0.8f1 on Windows 10 and macOS.
Submitted bug report IN-79572.

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Apparently this is know limitation and selecting game objects is a feature request. So if we can’t touch game objects in the scene view when Instanced Drawing is enabled, then what’s the expected workflow? Only enable instancing for builds?

Hey, this is a known bug and a fix is ready. It should land in the coming days and will be available soon, I will let you know in which version of Unity 6 it is fixed, most probably .11f1.

@EMOTION-THEORY Fix landed in Unity 6000.0.11f1, please let me know if you still have any issue regarding this.

@Initive You can select game objects one by one with GPU Resident Drawer enabled. You can’t select multiple objects at once with GRD yet, that’s what drag-select refers to I think.

Sorry to necro an old thread, but I recently turned on GPURD and started encountering somewhat similar issues in 6000.0.29f1.

Selecting objects in scene view by mouse works, but if I click on the same object again, the selection does not cycle to the objects behind it and instead I get an error:

GetAllOverlapping failed, could not ignore game object 'Cube (1) (UnityEngine.GameObject) (0)' when picking
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallGlobalEventHandler ()

This gets worse if the object in front has the “disable selection by clicking” toggle on in hierarchy view as then the whole editor gets stuck in an endless loop with this window:

This issue happens with all gameobjects that I have tested now, even with new simple 3D cubes that haven’t been adjusted in any way. It does not happen during play mode though and there selection cycling works as it should. Restarting Unity or PC does not affect the issue. Turning off GPURD does fix the issue instantly. I couldn’t reproduce this in a simple new project though so maybe there is another trigger needed for the issue to appear.


I could not repro this. Can you log this as a bug and share your project settings in the log.
