Unity 6 input system touch not working with playerInput on android build

after upgrading to unity 6000.0.30f1 and upgrading the input system to 1.11.2, touch input stops registering once i load a scene that contains PlayerInput, the setup i have is a start scene that only has an EventHandler (Contains event system and input system UI input module), input works as you expect (UI toolkit buttons, unity UI buttons and touch) all work fine in both simulator and build and the Eventhandler logs touch in android logcat correctly
Screenshot 2024-12-13 003822

, but then i press play which loads the game scene that i replaced with the sample assets third person scene with mobile input enabled (so i can make sure that the problem is not from my end), which contains a player with a player input component

which i found only works in simulator and only if i set the uiinputmodule to none (if i set it to the eventhandler’s input module it doesn’t work in simulator either).

and an EventHandler

everything works good in the simulator window with this setup which i admit is not the right way to set it up, i would have thought the UI module should be the same and the action asset the same but it for some reason doesn’t work at all like that, but in the android build it doesn’t work at all once playerinput is present, and it doesn’t even log any touch input like the start scene (without the player input) does, i tried a lot of things, but cant get it to work, android logcat logs touch input whenever i disable the player input component so am sure it’s something that has to do with it, please help, and thank you for your time.

This is most likely a duplicate of an issue we’re already tracking: Unity Issue Tracker - [Android] Touch input is not recognized when button is pressed in the Player

However, if you believe these issues are separate. Please feel free to submit a ticket from within the Unity Editor by navigating to Help → Report a Bug…

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am not sure this is the same issue, because touch works fine if playerInput is not present, to keep you guys updated with what i tried, i made a whole new project with only the third person controller asset, and the touch input enable so i eliminate the possibility of it being a user error and to not have to change scenes, and the problem still persists, tried setting the player input UI module to the EventHandler

still doesn’t work.

changed the EventHandler actions to the same action map so its only one action map used,

still doesn’t work.

Sorry you’re experiencing this. Just to get some more info: Was this behavior not happening previously ? What Unity and Input System version were you using in that case? Thanks

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unity version was 2022.3.30f1
and the input version am pretty sure it was 1.8.2

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it worked fine i even published the game to the play store

solved it apparently something changed because i use to have onscreen inputs that would emulate a gamepad input as a old way to get touch controls, but now if you set the input to gamepad it wont take touch input as it used to, and if you set it to touch it would trigger on emulated input ui, so i used the same way that is implemented in the third person asset mobile input, but MAKE SURE you disable any cursor locking cuz it will stop your touch input, it used to not apply to touch but now it does.