I using Unity 6 + Photon Network without Photon demo!
But my project is about 1.7 GB!!, actually my project is just starting!
it only have 1-2 scripts or contents, why the project size is so big?
and when I’ve edit some script, the Unity recompile something again and again so long, everytime I edit things it will recompile so long!
it possible to stop this? Stop auto refresh? But if I stoped I have to manual refresh to waiting them to recompile anyway…
Why Unity 2022LTS don’t have this issue at all
Most of that will be cached / prepared data in the /Library folder. It is normal for that folder to be quite large, several times as much as the content under /Assets and /Packages combined.
Other game engines may cache less data on disk but then may perform those precomputation steps when making a build - this seems to be the default for the commercial game engines besides Unity that I worked with. I’d always trade ubiquitous disk space for faster builds every time.
The size difference is somewhat comparable to video editing. A 10 minute video that’s probably output to less than 1 GB in final size may consume somewhere between 10 to 100 GB on disk for “proxy data” while editing the video, albeit largely for different reasons (speeding up editing workflows).
As long as you have auto-refresh enabled Unity will compile script changes when it receives focus again. You can disable autorefresh and write a small script that calls AssetDatabase.Refresh() when exiting editmode (not: entering playmode!) via the playmode events.
I would also recommend to disable domain reload in Project Settings to enter playmode quickly.
The time required to compile and reload domain depends on your system, the project contents and the changes you made. For an empty project with just one script a script change should typically compile in at most 5 seconds on a decent (high end) developer machine (i7 or i9 less than two years old, plenty of RAM, fast SSD like Samsung Pro Evo, and no 3rd party antivirus scanning every project change).
Notebooks/Laptops commonly suffer a surprising performance penalty compared to a similarly high end desktop machine due to such systems trying to avoid excess power consumption and heat.
It works the same way.
If the identical (!) project takes significantly longer in Unity 6 for the same operation you may want to report a bug. But most commonly with these “it used to be faster” issues is that when the previous version was used, the project was in an earlier state or even a different project altogether.