Unity 6 release builds + subscenes + URP --> all black, no base map color

Hey guys, I’m really stuck here. In Unity 6.0.21 I did the following:

  1. Created a blank URP project using the URP Core template
  2. Added the Entities.Graphics package (default is 1.2.4) and restarted Unity.
  3. Disabled the Global Volume
  4. Added a subscene with a cube and two capsules.
  5. Assigned URP Simple Lit materials to all three objects - just simple 1024 textures.
  6. Built for release via File/Build Profiles/Windows/Run

The Scene View and Game View look just fine and play-mode behaves as expected. But the release build is all messed up. It looks like the only thing visible is specular lighting - all ambient light is gone making everything very black.


If I take the cube and capsules out of the subscene and build, everything works as expected. I was building for Windows under Windows 10 using the default URP 17. I tried Unity 6.0.20 and 6.0.21 and also Entities.Graphics 1.2.4 and 1.3.2 but none of those combinations helped. I also tried messing around with the lighting settings - global, realtime, etc, but never got anything but black. Once I tried IL2CPP but that just started spitting out a bunch of errors when I tried to build. I tried putting the directional light in the subscene. When I built the same scene for release using a new project with Unity 2022.3.39 (URP 14) everything in the subscene worked as expected. So this tells me that it has something to do with Unity 6.

One thing I noticed is that whenever I build, I get this warning (I don’t know if it is related): “Shader warning in ‘Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion’: implicit truncation of vector type at Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Shaders/Utils/ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion.shader(167) (on d3d11)”

I talked with a couple of guys on Discord who are using Unity 6 and they haven’t noticed the problem.

So my question is - is there something fancy that Unity 6 requires to make ambient light work in subscenes? Do I need to configure subscene lighting settings differently? Maybe there is special way to build releases when using subscenes?


I’ve had success on 6000.0.19. Another user here had success on 6000.0.18. It could be some changes to URP or one of its dependencies in 6000.0.20 that breaks things. On my end, I seem to get messed up UVs on stuff in subscenes.

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Hmmm… I’ll download 6.0.19 and give it a shot.

6000.0.19 solved it for me. jfc several days wasted rebuilding, I thought there was something wrong with my shaders because of the upgrade to 6. And 6 is supposed to get released soon and they have this issue. :man_facepalming: get your :poop: together Unity

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6.0.19 works!!! Thanks so much!! I wasted 1.5 days trying to figure this out!

Hi, but it’s not solved, you can not upgrade to 6000.0.20f1+, maybe it’s better to open ticket/issue, so unity devs will know about it and tried to fix it?

Had the same issue on .20 and .21 - scene black (apart from reflections and sky), exact scene to before. I assumed it was something on my end, something so obvious would be covered by automatic tests… right?

I tried updating to 6000.0.23f1. This version appears to resolve the graphical issue in builds that I had. This might be worth checking out.