Alright, this is from the editor. It’s the weapon icon, it’s in the game it has a refenence from the UI image component.
But in the build, it’s gone
There’s no error from the logs. It’s the only assets that isn’t exported on build I found so far.
This is the build profile I use. I also tried clean build and deleting all the files and building again. But nothing worked.
How can I fix this?
Here’s some update:
I tried to dublicate that asset and it worked, I guess. But it’s still a problem, what if it happens again on an asset with multiple references?
I play it around a bit and decided to delete and recreate the .meta file of the original asset.
Then, it worked. But it’s still a problem, I don’t want to check every single asset to see if they exported correctly and do I need to recreate thier .meta file.
Later, I get old .meta file and tried to put this texture on image, raw image, and on a material to see they still work. Ignore that it’s the main menu, I thought it’s easy to check here.
It still won’t exported.
Then, I decided to open the .meta file and compared it to other working .meta files.
This is the only difference. Idk what this guid is, but it seem like it’s different for every .meta file.