Hey guys and gals. Just wanted to get some feedback from the community before I continue or make a decision on engine version. I have recently converted to Unity 6 because an acquaintance of mine told me it would have a more mature version of the networking infrastructure. I also just tend to hope things get better as things progress, like the nav agents, for example.
So, I’ve been using it for a couple days and I’ve already noticed a few things. One time I reopened my project and everything was pink, and all my prefabs were gone and in the recycling bin. I really don’t think this was me, and for my cat to do it, would be impressive, given it would have to select just the right folders to get each one. I assumed this was my fault some how. I still kind of think it may be possible. I am not sure how it would have happened, that’s all.
Today, however, which is what prompted this question, I simply dragged two .cs files into a folder; One of the files was moved and the other was duplicated instead of moved. Now this isn’t a big deal, but it makes me uneasy. Now I’ve encountered plenty of issues with the version I was using previously, which was a LTS version of 2022. I don’t remember the exact sub-version.
So, my actual question, I guess, is the following.
Have those of you who have been using Unity 6 for a decent amount of time found that it is less stable than the previous LTS versions of Unity?
I’ve accepted that bugs are just a part of the unity editor and moved on, as you won’t catch me trying to build an engine capable of what Unity is capable of. But I am concerned, after running into an error with something as simple as a drag-and-drop, that I’m jeopardizing development long term by upgrading to Unity 6.
Any of you been using six for a while that have an opinion on this? Anyone know specific details on what the stability profile of this version is?