Just watched CodeMonkey review of Unity 6 and saw turn based multiplayer flashing by on the multiplayer template for Unity 6. Anyone knows any details on that?
I am currently developing a turn based multiplayer game and struggling with cloud database based logic and maybe Unity 6 tools is a better idea.
These „templates“ as far as I can tell from the GDC video are not actually game templates. It‘s a decision making and setup tool.
You select the type of game you want to develop, and a couple settings like max player count, and then you are getting suggestions which packages to install and which services to use.
What I expect you to get after you ran this “Recommendations” wizard will very likely still be an empty project, but with the recommended packages installed (eg Netcode for GameObjects vs Netcode for Entities). I doubt there is anything even close to premade game assets/behaviour when you select one of these, if that’s what you’re expecting. Which on first sight, was my expectation too and I was a little blown away momentarily.