I wanted to try to build a webgl game with Unity 6 when I realized that any URP build in forward+ freezes.
Repro steps:
- Unity version 6000.0.29 (and 6000.0.32)
- Create a URP project from template “Universal 3D”
- Create a new scene “Standard (URP)”
- Edit scene list to include only the new scene
- Build for webgl
Does anyone have any information about this ? I would really appreciate if anyone can take the time to confirm that it does not only happen to me.
My game is forward+ Ive not had freezes, so at what point are you seeing the freeze?
The scene won’t load.
For example with the repro case, I see the Unity loading bar and the splashscreen then it freezes right when the scene would normally load.
Your game is a webgl game, that you build on URP using Unity 6 ?
Yep … I have other issues, but not that
what do you see in the console of the browser
I noticed that after a moment the black screen changes to these weird lines. See the screenshot attached.
OK so those warnings are fairly normal.
(note to mods et al, this is not a plug) does your browser let you play DungeonDisasters
It does, I can play. I see that you use Unity 6000.0.0f1 and you enabled web gpu. I might just try that aswell. Could you by any chance try with one of the latest version ?
Enabling WebGPU works, no freeze. It has something to do with WebGL 2 in forward+.
Edit: I digged a bit deeper at the shader errors, CoreSRP/CoreCopy might be the problem. I found an issue that might be related.
OK, so thats a positive thing, you nailed it down a bit
yeah i moved to webgl kinda almost the day it was allowed, just because Im looking ahead… but, it does say they just dont expect to see warnings, rather than actually state it kills it. Id say bug report it.
I come back with some news. I reported it and it has been marked as duplicate of this issue with the following message:
“The said Issue Tracker link does not mention that the issue happens when the “Forward+” Rendering Path is selected, but it is known that it is caused by it. For now, we recommend using the “Forward” Rendering Path.”
Thanks for your replies @bugfinders
No worries, odd cosnidering Im using forward + and mines working