So I have a bunch of different computers. My builds run fine on all but one. On this single computer I get a crash everytime. (attached log) (dx12 also crashes) Player (5).txt (40.8 KB)
Now the really crazy thing is if I do a ‘development build’ the game no longer crashes on this computer. Was not having this issue prior to upgrading to unity 6. (was running 2023.2.18f1 before and builds ran on all computers)
Make sure Windows and NVidia drivers are up to date on the faulty computer. Also disable anti-virus if any.
Things you can try to debug:
Using the same engine version, create a new empty project, build it and test on the faulty computer. If it crashes with same error, make a bug report to unity and stay on the older engine version until Unity fixes it.
Take your project, create a new empty scene (just with a camera, skybox and light), in your build settings, remove all scene and add only the empty scene. If it crashes, the problem is somewhere in your project (InitializeOnLoad scripts, asset in Resources folder,project settings…). If it doesn’t crash, the problem is from a script or something done in your first loading scene.
Note also that error is coming from when you try to crypt/decrypt something (usage of C:\WINDOWS\System32\CRYPT32.dll just before the crash).
The only way it’s a dll issue, is if its a dll that unity packages. (like the UnityPlayer.dll) I have already updated all drivers, I dont use any anti-virus, and the machine is stock windows 10. (only has the game installed)
If it’s a script issue, then why does it work on dozens of other computers including a computer with the exact same gpu but with a newer cpu. Makes zero sense. My guess is it’s related to the old intel 950 hardware. (as I’ve had a build issue similar to this in the past that unity had to fix with this exact processor)
Yeah, that has nothing to do with it. I’ve been doing builds for over 5 years and have never had an issue other than the previously mentioned one that was unity’s issue with this exact cpu. And the folder listed is the games install folder, not the build path. (this is an installed copy on a separate computer)