Unity Addressables problem when using Scriptable Objects

I’m writing this topic as a solution to my problem I had with an Android build using Addressables and a third-party tool called UnityScreenNavigator. Maybe it will help someone.

Everything was working fine in the editor while I was testing addressables (Play Mode Script was set to Use Existing Build), but as soon as I built a version I got the following error

InvalidOperationException: Requested asset(Key: prefab_splashscreen)was not found.

Which I wouldn’t get in the editor. So turns out, the UnityScreenNavigator package I was using (which was the one dynamically spawning prefabs like the splashscreen prefab) relied on a couple of scriptable objects of its own, so I moved them to a Resources folder and the bug was fixed. My expertise with addressables is low, I just started, so I can’t explain why this worked, and I would be very grateful to anyone who can for future reference.