"During review, we found that your app XXX (App Bundle Version: 3, Track: Production) is using a non-compliant version of Unity Ads SDK or an SDK that one of your libraries depends on, which collects personal or sensitive data. Persistent device identifiers may not be linked to other personal and sensitive user data or resettable device identifiers as described in the User Data policy.
This SDK version violates the User Data and Device & Network Abuse policy. You may consider moving to another SDK; removing this SDK; or if available from your SDK provider, upgrading to a policy-compliant version of this SDK that does not include the violating code.
According to the information provided by your SDK provider Unity Ads SDK, you may consider upgrading to their version 4.0.1 which they have recommended for use. Google is not endorsing or recommending any third party software. Please consult the SDK provider for further information."
The version of Unity I am using is 2019.4.26f1. I have completely removed the unityads library from my app. However, the Google backend still reports this error. Do I need to upgrade the engine to solve this problem? Is the unityads library built-in to the Unity engine? Which version do I need to upgrade to in order to avoid this problem? I have been troubled by this problem for a while and hope that the official developers can give me timely help.thanks!
Hi @lostplesed You need to update unityads sdk 4.0.1 or the upper version to comply with google’s new policy. If you have already updated the unityads SDK version or removed it from the latest app, you should check both the production track and non-production track(Internal / Closed / Open testing) version on the google play console to see if those versions have unityads SDK lower than 4.0.1. Please deactivate those versions.
Same issue with me. Need help!
I used Unity 2021.3.2 Chinese version. Whatever I update Unity Ads 4.4.1. or removed Unity Ads. Google play review rejected with the same reason. What can I do? Thanks.
Please make sure your project doesn’t contain old SDK, and check the production/testing truck in Play Console to see if those apks don’t have Unity Ads SDK lower than 4.0.1.
For further assistance, please reach out to Google directly.
Yes, I removed Unity ads sdk, but Google still think some unity skd code inside. and ask me reach unity technologies. Is anything I can do to completely removed unity ads sdk? Thanks
We understand that you have submitted an update to your app. However, please note that your app (App Bundle Version: 22, Track: Production) is still in violation of the User Data policy as we found that your app is still using a non-compliant version of the Unity Ads SDK.
To resolve this issue, kindly upgrade the SDK version to the compliant version of 4.0.1 or remove this SDK fully from your app. We highly recommend you to consult with the SDK provider for further clarification on the removal or upgrade of the SDK version.
Please also make sure to DEACTIVATE the non-compliant version (App Bundle Version: 22, Track: Production) and increment the version code of APK before resubmitting your app. All active APKs (including Alpha, Beta, production, and internal testing) of your app must be compliant with our policy.
Thanks for your understanding and continued support.
If you implemented Unity Ads via Package Manager, please check your package.json.
If you use a mediation tool(LevelPlay, AdMob, MAX etc) to implement ad networks, check your gradle files.
Besides that, check your Plugins folder under (project root)/Assets. Also, would be worth checking to export Android project to see if Unity Ads SDK contains.
For users who encounter this problem with the Chinese Editor version, please update to the version of the editor released after October 26, 2022, or use the global version of the editor.
I had google Mediation tool files left in grade after I deleted all Packages related to ads.
I ran the google resolver and I had the checkboxes active to create gradleTemplate and mainTemplate.
After resolving again, mainTemplate no longer has mediation or ads
Nevermind, I solved it by uninstalling every ads package on the package manager and some unityads files that were lurking around. App has been accepted at last!