I’m having the same issue, but I don’t think I’ve ever installed 4.2.1
Will this method still work for me ?
I tried installing 3.7.5, but then the Ads won’t initialize.
I’ve changed the Ads package to 4.2.1 in manifest.json, but I don’t understand what this has done.
It feels like I’ve just told it to think it has a different package, but I haven’t actually changed anything.
Edit: So it worked. I’d still like to understand what just happened. Did I actually install a different package by changing a few numbers in a text file ?
@anthonyjamesgirdler That text file is what informs the Editor what packages it should be pulling in. This is an entirely valid way of changing package versions if that package version is not available in the Package Manager UI.
You can even use this method to specify a local path for a package that you wish to use.
Hey guys, what is the proper way of fixing this bug, I know the question was about going back to the working version, but 4.3.0 is an LTS release and it having broken banner ad positioning doesn’t seem right to me. There should be a proper fix. I just couldn’t find anything in the docs or online. Docs documentation on banners didn’t change, still uses BannerPosition and SetPosition APIs.
I still have problem with 4.3.0, new documentation didn’t changed anything related to problem there is still Advertisement.Banner.SetPosition(_bannerPosition); and this is still has error on 4.3.0
I downgraded to 4.2.1 (manually by changing packages manifest file) and problem is fixed.