I think the problem is with Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries setting for the xcode project. It should be No for UnityFramework and Yes for Unity-iPhone. Could you add a postbuild script to change it and test?
Yasuyuki, thanks for the hint. After building the xcode project with unity I have followed the hint from unity ads documentation:
If your project does not use Swift, add an empty Swift file to your project in Xcode by selecting File > New > Swift file.
I’ve added the empty swift file and enabled the bridge (as unity builds xcode project in objective-c). As a result submission was fine, without any errors.
finally this is the change I made and everything worked. It’s a unity editor version problem according to some comments. Some versions of Unity set these values correctly.
Actually, I have one more update to this. After updating Xcode to 14.3 there are no errors anymore. (I am wondering why I didn’t think about that earlier )