Unity Ads and monetization

Why is there no ads, monetization, etc. button in the project settings? in the services tab, please help me, or explain how to set up advertising in Unity and generally add it and make it exist, because I tried everything)

Can’t say for sure without knowing your editor version, but I hope this will show a path. (I am using the editor version 2022.3.4f1)

First, you can find here more details about Unity ads.

First thing you need to do is installing and importing Advertisement Legacy package from Package Manager. Note that this is a legacy package; as it is also written in the package description, it won’t be updated anymore and it recommends using Unity LevelPlay. But I’m new to Unity and have never used Unity LevelPlay, so I can’t help you with that.

After importing you should go to Project Settings > Services and create a Unity Project ID, if you haven’t already.

Then you should be able to see your project in Unity Gaming Services. In your Dashboard, after selecting your project at the top of the page, go to Monetization > Get Started. After answering some short questions, you should be able to see your Android / IOS Game IDs and ad units under Monetization > Project Overview > Ad Units. You will be using these while implementing ads into your project.

Regarding the implementation, I will just recommend some resources:


Hope this help.