Been pulling my hair out over this and I can’t figure it out.
I am trying to put ads on my game (Yes I know people don’t like ads but at least my game will be free)
I signed up with admob and have an account there.
My understanding is I need to “link” this account to my game via some manifest. However this is hard to do so I need a plugin.
I was going to use the admob plugin but it is expensive. I was then directed to tapjoy but I can’t seem to figure how to set it up.
I’m really frustrated with this… why is this part so difficult lol
I also purchased the AdMob Unity plugin from Plato, but it was still early in my development cycle.
My problem is that Google banned me from admob for having to much activity of my own. I was still developing/testing my own game and not in test mode. Boom. Banned. I appealed, but they hate me now.
I spent a month getting ads to work and now i’m back to square one with a completed app that I cannot release. I cant seem to find any other reasonable android/iOS plugins.