Im dealing with another problem with the ads service. I lost all day today trying to make ads appear on android, on my phone, but I recently installed it on another phone with android and the ads (video and rewarded) were shown well, Ads are also showing on ios. So, just in my phone are not showing.
There’s a limit of live ads per user per day - please use test ads for testing your ads to prevent running out of ads for that day. The amount of ads served to each user depends on location, amount of ads watched within previous 24 hours and ad content filtering settings. You should see live ads again 24 hours after watching the first ad.
not my case, the ads are not showing in my phone, no ads at all, and i do not want to change test ads because my game is published on andoid and ios and i dowloaded my own game trough the store (sorry for my english)
btw, why is there a limit of ads per day for each user?
We adjust the limit based on performance - if ads perform negligibly after some point, but the traffic still costs us - it’s wiser for everyone to stop filling those placements. Less is more. According to statistics the first 3-5 ads perform the best.