Hey guys,
We have a (yet) simple project in Unity 2018.2.0f2. I use win10 Unity, win10 Jenkins agent with SYSTEM user and Jenkins’ Unity3d plugin.
My problem is:
If I build the project in command line with
Unity.exe" -quit -batchmode -logFile build.log -projectPath e:\myproject -executeMethod Builder.Build Android
Unity compiles and builds correctly the .apk file.
When I want to build the same project (from bitbucket) via Jenkins Unity throws a compilation error:
error CS0246: The type or namespace name `ShowResult' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
If I comment out the Ads related function but leave the ’
using UnityEngine.Advertisements;’ include the compilation is OK.
The code is:
private void HandleShowAdResults( ShowResult result )
switch ( result )
case ShowResult.Finished:
Debug.Log( "AD: The ad was successfully shown." );
case ShowResult.Skipped:
Debug.Log( "AD: The ad was skipped before reaching the end." );
case ShowResult.Failed:
Debug.LogError( "AD: The ad failed to be shown." );
I checked the ProgramData unity cache folder and the ads dll is present and I also checked file readings with ProcMon…
Does anybody experienced this error? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!