Unity Ads confusing Ad Unit ID, placement ID, etc.

I’ve noticed errors in my application complaining about the Unity Ads Unit ID being incorrect.

So I noticed that what before was “interstitial”, no longer works. So now I copied the ID from the dashboard “Android_Interstitial” but also won’t work.

Looking at the logs I noticed that there’s a call to “https://configv2.unityads.unity3d.com/games/4062271/configuration?XXXX” and resulted in a JSON that has several IDs for the adFormat interstitial, all looking like:
Android_Interstitial_XXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX (Where XXX is an UUID format).
Picking one of those resulted in the errors disappearing and the interstitial working again.

Something similar happened with the rewarded video, where the ID in the dashboard is “Android_Rewarded” but that doesn’t work, so I tried the old “rewardedVideo” and worked again.

Also, banner won’t work with the given “Android_Banner” but works with just “banner”

IOS is exactly the same issue.

I’m on the latest Unity Advertisement version (4.3.0) and is initialized correctly.

I want to know if this is a bug, missing information in the dashboard, or else.
It is mighty impossible to get it to work without debugging the logs.

Hi, looking at the Game ID from your logs, I can see that the project is set up on the dashboard to be using Unity Mediation. However, by your description, it seems you are using the standalone Unity Ads SDK.
Would you be able to try changing your ‘Mediation Partner’ setting in your project’s setting page on the dashboard to '‘I don’t plan to use Mediation, only Unity Ads’?