Unity Ads different ages, under 13 ads in runtime

so lets say I have an android app and this game is open for all ages. I am asking at the start about the age (under 13 or not).
If they say “I am 13 or older” everything is fine. Next question is about personalized ads, if they say “no” everything fine, I can set “consent = false”.

But what if a kid answers the question and says “I am under 13” what can I do in runtime? How can I setup “Please don’t show bad ads for the kid”?


Currently, we only support ad filters per game, so we don’t have a way to limit what ads are shown to specific users. I would recommend making sure the ad filters are set so the ads are appropriate for all players of your game.

From what I can see, the situation is still the same.
Is there any plan to add ad changer functionality for different age groups while the app is running?

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Is this still the same using the new Unity Ads system? Documentation is scattered about things are not real clear about what the new system is different than the legacy one

This is one aspect of Unity Ads that could really do with an upgrade.

My games target 13+ therefore ads are configured appropriately in the dashboard (i.e. lower age limit + more blocked categories)

But with the age gate requirement for ad supported Android games, it would be good to serve from a wider range of ads when players indicate they’re 18+ (i.e. higher age limit + less blocked categories)

The only way I believe this can be achieved is to have two projects configured and set the relevant game id post age gate. But that creates a huge amount of extra dashboard admin and just not worth the hassle.

Unity Ads could really do with a system where the dashboard has player profiles configured. When initialising the service the player profile is set, meaning more appropriate (and a wider range of) ads can be served.

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