Unity ads error at build on android, unable to compile

At first, I’d like to thank you for your work on UnityAds, it’s really easy to integrate in our games. Everythings work fine in editor, I got my add showing (Debug Add for testing), but when I want to build an Apk, I got this error :

Project ‘Z:\xxxxxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxx\Assets\Plugins\Android\unityads’ is missing AndroidManifest.xml file.

I’m under Unity 5, I use the unityAds package from the asset store, AndroidManifest.xml is present in Assets\Plugins\Android\unityads, and I use your script for initiating unityads “UnityAdsHelperJS”, pretty sure it’s not incriminated, just in case.

well I’m pretty stuck at this point, if you got a solution it would be very cool :slight_smile:

Hello Blub…

Did you see this thread about Unity 5 support of UnityAds…


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well I didn’t, but maybe I shouldn’t have take a look at it, I made the modifications and now I get 2 more errors concerning IOS while making an Android build ! :frowning: at the end maybe I will downgrade to 4.6

Project ‘Z:\LemmingsFree\Unity_5.0\Assets\Plugins\Android\unityads’ is missing AndroidManifest.xml file.
Error building Player: UnityException: Adding Android library projects failed!
Assets/Standard Assets/Editor/UnityAds/Scripts/UnityAdsPostprocessor.cs(21,33): error CS0117: UnityEditor.BuildTarget' does not contain a definition for iOS’
Assets/Standard Assets/Editor/UnityAds/Scripts/UnityAdsPostprocessor.cs(29,33): error CS0117: UnityEditor.BuildTarget' does not contain a definition for iOS’

Are you trying to build to an Google Android Project, or just an APK?

Might help to try re-importing the Unity Ads assets. First remove all assets that were imported with the Unity Ads asset package, including native libraries in Plugins and post-build scripts in Editor directories. Then download the latest and re-import the package. This ensures only the assets for the latest version of the package exist, and that they’re located properly in your project’s directory structure.

Just an APK. It’s the first and only install of unityads I made 2 days ago, lastest version, so everything should have install correctly, btw I’ll try cleaning and reinstalling

Wondering if something else in your project is interfering. Have you tried building from a new project?

And just to double check, are you using Beta 14 or 15? I’ll try repro’ing the issue here.

ok, on my part, I was running an old version, I update to 14 and now I got this one

Error building Player: Win32Exception: ApplicationName=‘C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25\bin\javac.exe’, CommandLine=‘-bootclasspath “D:/Downloads/adt-20140702/sdk/platforms/android-21\android.jar” -d “Z:\xxxxxxx\yyyyyyyyyy\Temp\StagingArea\bin\classes” -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -encoding UTF-8 “com\xxxxxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxx\R.java” “com\unity3d\ads\android\R.java”’, CurrentDirectory=‘Z:\xxxxxxx\yyyyyyyyyy\Temp\StagingArea\gen’

same error following this thread UnityAds does not integrate into any Unity Project, crashes Build - Unity Services - Unity Discussions , I’ll see if I can fix it this way

Excellent. Let me know if you have any questions.