Unity ads (everyplay) how i make money <.< ???

Can some one explain me how does it work?? why i got 1.05$ with 107 impression and 25 completed and 0$ with 143 offers and 39 completed

Contact the staff, it’s probably some bug thats gone unnoticed & I don’t believe any normal users can help out with this one.

ok i did it…

Hi Belva,

Copy-pasting relevant info from our FAQ. If something is unclear do not hesitate to ask for clarification.

Q: I have integrated UnityAds and have 100 impressions recorded. Why am I not seeing any revenue yet?
A: Typically it takes 5000 impressions or more to determine the quality of the users you are sending. You will be getting revenue based on the quality your users and the impressions you are showing.

Q: Do I get paid on completed video views or based on installs I deliver?
A: UnityAds generates revenue through generating views and traffic from your game, and you get paid on that.

There’s no “one unified way” of pre-calculating the revenue generated to you as we run different types of campaigns (with different billing points, ie. completed views, clicks or installs).

Our system always selects the best (ie. in terms of money) possible campaigns for your users.

Q: How often are the statistics updated?
A: Hourly statistics are updated a few minutes after the hour and daily statistics 15 minutes past UTC midnight.

The report you can access on the admin panel is not realtime. Report is updated in hourly, but the revenue information from the ads can take up to seven days to be reported back to our system.


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ok but the main question is… why i got 1.05$ before reaching 5000 impressions

The 5000 limit is something we keep as “if you don’t make any money when reaching 5000, then something is really wrong” type of limit.

Basically: “Don’t worry about the numbers, but DO contact us IF you got > 5000 ads views without any revenue”


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Oh yeah, the main question: “Why did I make money”: One of your users generated a billable event that has already been reported to our system. Once we get reported a billable event, we will add it to your revenues. (updated hourly etc…)


ookk all clear now ty :wink:

My game has Unity ads. A few days after the game got released, my account showed me that the game had earned $1.80 revenue.

But a few more days later, I logged in my account and found that all the numbers were $0.I submitted a support request, but got no answer.

A couple of days later, I checked my account and found that the $1.80 revenue had come back.

One week later, the figure was $0 again.

Can anybody explain this to me? It really makes me feel uncomfortable using the system.

Ad requests: 2752
Videos started (started): 449
Videos completed (views): 126
Revenue: $ 0.77
Bad start =(

Not necessarily. You only have 449 starts and 126 completed views. With 2752 ad requests, I’d venture to say that you’re not showing ads during every game session. An ad request is generated when Unity Ads is initialized.

Typically it takes 5000 impressions or more to determine the quality of the users you are sending. Revenue is generated based on the quality your users and the impressions you are showing.

Visit our Knowledge Base for more details:


My games stats:

Game 1 (Trollface Platformer 2D Free Android) :
Ad requests: 765
Videos started: 24
Videos completed: 10
Earnings: $ 0.00

Game 2 (Angry Trollfaces Android):
Ad requests: 977
Videos started: 82
Videos completed: 34
Earnings: $ 0.00

Game 3 (Trollface Rope And Bazooka iOS)
Ad requests: 1104
Videos started: 34
Videos completed: 5
Earnings: $ 0.00

Game 4 (Trollface Rope and Bazooka Andrid)

Ad requests: 2070
Videos started: 137
Videos completed: 57
Earnings: $ 0.00

I got also another games with unity adds…

I started to use Unity Ads 5 months ago and still earned 0 $.
This is seek :stuck_out_tongue:

@Dj_Zuczyslaw Hello,

Could you please share the download stats of your games. So we can compare in fair.


Hello! yes, of course. Ok, one of my games started to make some money .It started to earn money when it had something like 4300 Ad request. Now it’s have 5428 Ad Request and do not earn money every day.

Trollface Rope and Bazooka - Google Play Android:

Actual Downloads = 579
All downloads = 2655

Ad requests: 5428
Videos started: 306
Videos completed: 133
Earnings: 3.90 4 July = 1,8 (8 videos completed)
5 July = 0 (5 videos completed) 6 July = 0 (6 videos completed)
7 July = 0 (1 videos completed) 8 July = 0 (1 videos completed)
9 July = 1.8$ (8 videos completed)
10 July = 0 (8 videos completed) 11 July = 0,3 (7 videos completed)
12 July= 0 $ (10 videos completed)

Trollface Rope And Bazooka - apple store iOS:

Actual Downloads = n/a
All downloads = 626

Ad requests: 1219
Videos started: 38
Videos completed: 9
Earnings: $ 0.00

Angry Trollfaces Free - apple store iOS:

Actual Downloads = n/a
All downloads = 237

Ad requests: 621
Videos started: 20
Videos completed: 6
Earnings: $ 0.00

Angry Trollfaces Free - Gogle Play Andoird:

Actual Downloads = 58
All downloads = 403

Ad requests: 1230
Videos started: 102
Videos completed: 40
Earnings: $ 0.00

Trollface Platformer 2D Free - apple store iOS

Actual Downloads = n/a
All downloads = 254

Ad requests: 765
Videos started: 27
Videos completed: 12
Earnings: $ 0.00


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Hello @Dj_Zuczyslaw

Your revenue looks normal , with these stats. Dont take offence but your download stats are really low like my stats , to generate a real revenue with ads.

You have 2 options here ;

  • You can make better polished games to drive traffic to your game ads,
  • You can make beter better polished polished games and sell on market,

This is the problem :slight_smile:


Hehe :slight_smile: . Yes, you’re right :). I think that good cash from ads begins if apps have more than 100 000 downloads or 1 000 000 :(. We must to try and create something cool :).


Ok, I have more then 5000(even more then 10000) impression and almost two weeks of showing.
And I see zero revenue for some days and low revenue at all.
Is it the final data? Or I should wait more? If not final, how it will be updated? Revenue for already passed dates will be increased on the diagram or it will be an accumulated revenue data for one of the ultimate days?

Yeah, your stats look strange compared to mine

Thanks, @ThoZ
What is the period?

1 month