Unity Ads in non-Unity game?

I was wondering if it is okay to put Unity Ads in a game I didn’t use Unity for?

I have this old game that was done in Eclipse:


I have something very similar going in Android Studio and was wondering if Unity Ads is ok for that?


Yes - Unity Ads can be used in any Android and iOS game - just integrate the native SDK to your project:


How do I integrate it with Tyranobuilder? I want to monetize my visual novel. Please help.

Tyranobuilder exports Android projects?

In that case - you might be able to edit the generated Android project and integrate Ads to it - but I can imagine this makes it quite difficult to combine with the logic in your visual novel.

Here’s anyway the instructions for integrating Unity Ads to Android projects: Android developer integration guides

How about a native android app, not a game at all. Am I allowed to integrate with unity ads?

You can also integrate on native Android and iOS - apps included. Games usually perform better, but apps are allowed, as long as they comply with the terms of service:

Thanks @mikaisomaa for your reply.

I’ve tried the official library for native android

in my latest kids tube app.

I’ve noticed that the Unity video ad leaves an overlay on the youtube player view and so it stops as it detects an overlay, even though the ad is finished and closed.

I wonder why I can’t submit an issue on their github page? Or else where I can report an issue?

If you are having issues integrating Unity Ads into your project, I would suggest looking into using Enhance. Enhance is not a network. Enhance will get Unity integrated into your app in a few minutes without you having to worry about a bunch of coding. For Tyranobuilder, we offer ZeroCode options that will get ads like banners or preroll ads in your game super easily!

Get Unity in your game now with Enhance : http://fgl.io/wfc

Does unity allow putting unity ads in an android app (non-game)?

Yes. Native SDK for Android available here: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/unity-ads-android/releases

Can you use unity ads with a sprite kit game? made with swift?

Yes. You can implement Unity Ads SDK for your Swift project.

This documentation is in Obj-C, are you suppose to use a bridge header? I don’t see any swift code.

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